Mind Your Mind – Relearn. Reprogram. Relief. Certificate Program
The Guelph Black Heritage Society in collaboration with NEUROorganics and The Kween Company has announced the Mind Your Mind – Relearn. Reprogram. Relief. certificate program. Mind Your Mind – Relearn. Reprogram. Relief. is designed for community members interested in equity and anti-racism work through a mental health lens. The goal of this program is to start with unlearning the policies and practices that we are taught and refocus them towards community building and healing through new approaches.
The purpose of Mind Your Mind is to Relearn how to modernize your approach to tolerance. You will also discover how to Reprogram current relationships and find Relief in a new set of strength-based values. Outcome is transformational and intersectional work that creates an enriched learning experience, coupled with optimizing your mental well-being.
The Mind Your Mind – Relearn. Reprogram. Relief. certificate program is part of the ongoing #ChangeStartsNow Education Initiative. The #ChangeStartsNow Education Initiative was launched in 2020 and is an anti-racism project aimed at preventing and responding to racism in Guelph and Wellington County. This has been achieved by developing community resources and capacity to educate the community about racism, local Black history, and methods that members of the public can enact themselves to prevent racism and hate crime and the tools to deal with effects of racism and hate crimes.
Presented with support from the United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin and Guelph Community Foundation, the Mind Your Mind – Relearn. Reprogram. Relief. certificate program includes a workshop series that will be held virtually. The workshops will be held on January 14th, February 11th, March 4th and April 1st, 2023. Participants will receive a certificate of completion and a Wellness Pack which includes a participant workbook, journal, herbal tea and mug.
Register now!
Registrations are offered on a sliding scale from $50 – $75 ($250 value) and can be purchased at:
Workshop Descriptions:
Session # 1: Title: Violence, Oppression and Harm: How We Decolonize Together presented by Kween, The Kween Company – Saturday January 14, 2023, from 11am to 1pm
Join Kween as we shift focus from conversations around equity, diversity and inclusion and will explore how violence, oppression and harm are constraints, harming BIPOC communities, leaving benefits to the privileged groups and how we work to be accomplices in the growth towards racial justice. Sessions 2 through 4 will examine how to work through mental health pillars when dealing with heavy content and lived experiences. ***This is an intro session***
Session # 2: NEUROmind: Marry Yourself First presented by Dr. Shara Ally, NEUROorganics – Saturday February 11, 2022 @ from 11am to 1pm
Understanding the methodology for developing a healthy relationship with yourself is required to become your own best friend, rather than your own enemy. To do this, we will look at the mere essence of building your character ethic and how to govern this according to your own standards, rather than those dictated by others.
Session # 3: NEUROsex: I Don’t Need You, I Want You presented by Dr. Shara Ally, NEUROorganics – Saturday March 11, 2022 @ from 11am to 1pm
After completing session 2, you will now be able to determine how you select to have people in your life from acquaintances, friendships, to intimate relationships. You will gain a new understanding of how you select people to be in your life, and more importantly, why you select people to be in your life. This session will empower you in the choices you make with regard to the mindsets you have around you.
Session # 4: Title: NEUROphysique & NEUROfinance: The Effects of My Relationships presented by Dr. Shara Ally, NEUROorganics – Saturday April 8, 2022 @ from 11am to 1pm
After you complete sessions 2 and 3, you are ready for our conclusive session, number 4!
In this session we analyze how physical and financial decisions are made. The quality of the relationships you have with yourself and others will determine the quality of your life decisions you make with your body and finances. If these relationships are compromised, we look for a source of control, which we can find through our bodies and finances, causing impulsivity and a source to fill a void. In this session, we look at the intention behind making such decisions and looks at methods at reducing this to create a healthier and happier version of you for your overall mental well-being.